• Meditation,  Psykoterapi

    Giv Afkald! Eller hvordan får jeg det liv, jeg gerne vil have?

    At give afkald (to renunciate) er blevet lidt mere populær grundet måden vi mennesker håndterer miljøet (og omverden) på. Det er blevet mere populær ikke at smide maden ud, at genbruge ting, få dem repareret og at holde ferie i Danmark eller tæt på. Og alligevel lever rigtig mange af os stadig med en tro på, at vi bliver lykkeligere, når vi har mere eller får mere – en ekstra kjole, det sidste nye model af mobiltelefonen eller den næste foredrag om hvordan jeg kan få det gode liv eller finde den dybe mening. Jeg har lige været på retreat og jeg holdt dagligt enkeltsamtaler med deltagerne. Det, der virkelig slog…

  • Meditation,  Psykoterapi

    Hindrances in Meditation: Trauma is NOT a hindrance

    On Trauma-sensitive Mindfulness by David A. Treleaven This book is a ‘must-read’ for everyone working with mindfulness and meditation. It is easy to read and understand, even for people with no knowledge about trauma. Additionally, it includes case descriptions of practitioners  after having experienced being re-traumatised during mindfulness practice. This book is very accessible for everyone. Over the last weeks I have been talking about hindrances in meditation and the proposed way to work with them is to watch them  without judgement and to investigate them. However, there are people that experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress when working with mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness has been described as the cure for everything – improving…

  • Meditation,  Video

    Beyond the Hindrances in Meditation (part 7, English)

    We are a very forgetful species. Hindrances – they stick with us. Those we remember. Difficult states of mind. But what is present, when the hindrances are not present in our mind. What arises then? Part of befriending the mind and a big part of having a continuous interest in meditation is to recognise the states of mind that are present, when the hindrances are absent. This is our mind too: blissful, energetic, open, spacious, concentrated, glad, calm and bright. Beyond the hindrances, there is a waking up to life that is vibrant and open.

  • Meditation,  Video

    Hindrances in Meditation: Sceptical Doubt (part 6, English)

    Never really get started with anything? Things are never quite right for you? The hindrance of Sceptical Doubt stops you in your tracks. It is said to be the most difficult hindrance to overcome. Just to make it clear, we are not talking about being curious and asking questions, including questions that might be difficult for the other. This is not blind faith – believing everything a teacher or person of authority says. Inquiry and questioning belief systems were encouraged by the Buddha. Here we are talking about a desert of opportunity. Nothing arises and grows because nothing is practiced to the point that invites inquiry and questioning. And nothing is practiced long…

  • Meditation,  Video

    Hindrances in Meditation: Restlessness and Anxiety (part 5, English)

    Monkey mind, seeing the waterfall, seeing the mental highway,……………and so forth The restless mind – don’t we all just know it. It pulls us in all directions and never rests where we are. When watching the restless mind over many sessions, you really start to wonder, ‘What is so uncomfortable/difficult/unpleasant in the present moment that we do not want to stay?’ Working with this hindrance and getting to know it might just about help you to understand, what it is that cannot be met in the present moment. And it might help you to find deep inner peace and a more quiet life. We do NOT have to act on…

  • Meditation,  Video

    Hindrances in Meditation: Aversion/Illwill (part 3, English)

    Resistance, up-the-hill, constant battles, painful, unpleasant, judgemental, grumpy, impatient, angry, discontent, hopeless. Know any of this? Sometimes I feel, we live in a society that is constantly disgruntled. Nothing is ever good enough. Everything needs improving. Allegedly, we have improved a lot of things to make our lives easier. However, most of us feel that life becomes more and more complex. And complexity feels painful and we resist. With all our might. Here a short video on how to work with the hindrance of – well – let’s just call it negativity.

  • Meditation,  Video

    Hindrances in Meditation: Sense Desire (part 2, English)

    You sit down to meditate with the best of intentions. Feeling all positive and calm. Then Sense Desire starts whispering into your ears: Strawberry ice cream! Aaah! And warm chocolate to dip it into………… Last time i meditated I had this great opening. It felt so warm and compassionate and open……….. Yes, for sure, this is going to happen again……. this is why I meditate………..and then I will have these great understandings…………and all the wisdom in the world………………. And Megalomenia! 😉 Here is just about the problem. Sense Desire does not feel bad. It feels great and hence is very seductive. Here a video on how to recognise and work…

  • Meditation,  Video

    Hindrances in Meditation (part 1, English)

    How to deal with difficult  mind states in meditation One of the most beautiful things to do during summer is outdoor meditation. Just imagine: the warm air surrounding you, a breeze of air on your skin, the sound of birds and scents of flowers blooming. However, most people tell me that they cannot meditate. There mind is much too busy. And – believe it or not – getting to understand that you are not in control of your mind is quite a deep insight. 2500 years ago this was called ‘seeing the waterfall’. In modern language we call it seeing the ‘mental highway’. Waterfall or not, Highway or not, our minds are busy.…

  • Meditation


    Dana er træning i og princippet af gavmildhed. Det åbner hjertet og arbejder imod vores konsumkultur, hvor vi sætter pris på det hele. Alt har en værdi i vores kultur og vi skal i hvert fald få det ud af det, som vi har betalt for. Men hvad nu, hvis der findes ting, som man ikke kan sætte pris på – i hvert fald ikke sådan helt konkret. Hvordan forholder vi os så til det? For det meste synes vi, at det føles meget ubehageligt. Hvorfor kan hun ikke bare sige, hvad det koster. Så kan jeg indstille mig på det. Så behøver jeg ikke tænke over det. Men hvad…